our story

The story of how we got started in real estate marketing

Our story starts 5 years ago... Strap in.

June 2018
Thibault finishes the network economics degree he promised his mum he’d complete, only to never use it and start his own online store (love you mum).
January 2019
After a number of business ventures, he finally decided to join a real estate developer as a digital marketer. It was a way for him to focus on becoming a better marketer.

His lead generation campaigns outperformed those of the previous marketing agency, decreasing the cost per lead by 65%. Yay! 🙌🏻

September 2020
Thibault joined a meat processing company.

A challenging position, where he could continue to grow. 📈

March 2021
A marketing position opened at a local real estate agency. And there he was, 6 months later, back into real estate. 🧡

"We were selling meat to schools, elderly homes and businesses. But my interest in sausages only reaches so far. So, I returned to the realm of real estate, where dreams are built, fortunes are sealed, and the sizzling of success echoes through the halls of possibility."

Thibault, Founder of Scalefive

October 2021
After working a solid 2.5 years as an employee, Thibault couldn’t hold himself back anymore. Like every entrepreneur, he thinks he can do it better and begins to plan his next moves.

The name "Scalefive" is born.



To progress in a graduated series

"With no projects lined up. I was basically in survival mode from the start. I had to get this thing off the ground fast. So what do we do when we are in survival mode? Stupid shit! I started cold calling*. Yes, chasing cold prospects. There was no time for fluff or ego boosting activities. So I went with no fancy website, no logo, no company launch…"

Thibault, Founder of Scalefive

* Looking back, he should have created content to attract his ideal clients.

January 2022
✍🏻 Scalefive is official
Thibault officially registered Scalefive as a company.

After 3 months of cold calling (yes, that was not fun), and networking, he finally had his first project.

June 2022
This real estate marketing thing works! Fully booked real estate marketer! 🎉
January 2023
Thibault notices how realtors are trying their hardest to create content on social media. The next chapter in our story is obvious.

Going into conversation with realtors and gathering data for a videomarketing program. Teaching them a proven process for consistently creating videos on social media, without hurting their day-to-day productivity.

June 2023
🚀 Scalefive launches
A new chapter in our story.

Many projects later, we decide to stick to what we know best. We launch Scalefive with both a unique training and service marketing offer for realtors.

Today Scalefive is a remote team with a single mission - To help realtors become recognized experts and attract better leads.

You've heard our story, it's now time for the world to hear yours.

Our Values

The core values behind
our work

Execution - Growth Webflow Template

Simplicity scales

Complexity fails. We are experts, we provide immense value, therefore we keep it simple in our operations and for our clients.

Growth - Growth Webflow Template

Pursue growth

We challenge the status quo. We learn and improve our craft relentlessly. If we don’t know, we will find an answer. We are curious.

Accountability - Growth Webflow Template

Take ownership

We own our achievements and our mistakes. The people we work with deserve a committed supplier, co-worker and partner.

Team Work - Growth Webflow Template

Serve others the way you want to be served

We want to be treated fairly, quickly and politely. Our service is a WOW experience.